September 2005

The Strength of Others

“How’d you do it?” People would say
So confining, day after day
Having others around for constant care
Ever wonder if life’s unfair?

“How’d you do it?” People would ask
Is it better now than in the past?
To see others do what you did before
Realizing, you can’t do them anymore

“How’d you do it?” People have said
Needing help in-n-out of bed
Doubts at times? Patience wearing thin?
Ever wonder how it will end?

How’d you do it? Day after day
This path taken wasn’t my way
The choice was Another’s, not my own
He sent me help. Couldn’t do it alone

How’d I do it? Let me confide
Always with others right at my side
Family and friends from the start
Gave me love in no small part

How’d I do it? Day after day
Would not have it, any other way
They shared triumphs and setbacks too
Been blest, when I look back in review

How’d I do it? Let me reply
On those who help me, I totally relied
They taught me to live, not just to cope
With their love they gave me hope

How’d I do it? Day after day
Help of others along the way
Valued friends, sisters and brothers
I simply borrowed – the strength of others